Free Quotes

Yes, we know this page is lacking prices but there's a good reason for that. Our prices are always changing. It raises and lowers due to other factors such as the price of parts to maintain the fleet and gas prices. We always have our buses priced the lowest they possibly can be so that it's affordable to you. Everyone should be able to afford a party bus if they want one for their event. We don't charge you any more than what we tell you. Some companies will tell you a rate, but when their outside your home, they'll demand more money before they'll start the run; we don't do that.

There are ways that you can save some money. First, always ask if we are running any deals. We'll always try to get you a deal. Next, there are times which the cost of a party bus is higher than at other times. We have a peak time around wedding and prom season where the price is higher. Our buses book up fast at that time so if you're looking for a reservation in that time period, call us as soon as possible. Holidays are also more than normal days. Weekends, especially Saturdays and Fridays are more expensive than the rest of the week. To save some money, try having your event on a weekday.

You can get a free quote at any time, day or night. Our booking agents are always available so that you can call us when the time is right for you. They can answer any questions you have about the buses, our service, or anything else you're wondering. You can receive your quote pretty fast, especially if you have the following ready: name, phone number, email, date of service, time of service, number of passengers, pick up location and a credit or debit card. If there is a bus you know you want, tell them, if not, they'll give you a price on a bus that will fit your party comfortably. When you call for a quote and you need some time to think about it, we will save your quote so that when you call back in the following couple days, you'll get that same price even if we raised the price. Give us a call for your free quote and start planning all the fun you're going to have on our party buses.